Next Monday 29th of March 2021 at 12:00 CE it will be launched the 5GCroCo Web-Seminars Series starting with " Result Confidence Assessment and Trial Planning: Experience from 5GCroCo", presented by Dr Maciej Muehleisen (ERICSSON). You can register here.
Result Confidence Assessment and Trial Planning: Experience from 5GCroCo - Monday 29th March 2021 (12:00 -13:30 CE)
This webinar will cover the following topics based on experience from trials conducted in the 5GCroCo project and analysis of obtained results:
- Plan trials to obtain the required number of result samples
- Tweak applications to allow faster trials still providing realistic KPIs
- Result analysis with different methods to determine confidence for different kinds of statistics:
- Sanity checking
- Batch Means method for Student-t Confidence Intervals
- Binomial Proportion Confidence Intervals for simple estimation of confidence of statistical distributions (e.g. latency CCDFs)
- Limited Relative Error (LRE) Algorithm for statistical distribution confidence (e.g. latency CCDFs)
As preparation we suggest reading Section 3.1 of 5GCroCo Deliverable D4.2 on "First Phase Trial Execution Report and Analysis of 5GCroCo KPIs"
Speaker Bio:
Maciej Muehleisen received his PhD on “Voice over LTE” from RWTH Aachen University in 2015 and worked as a group leader for vehicular communication at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) from 2012 until 2016 focusing on highly reliable aircraft and maritime networks.
He is with Ericsson Research since 2017 and leads the architecture work package of the EU funded 5GCroCo projects on 5G for CCAM in cross-border environments. where he also serves as deputy Technical Coordinator. As “Industry Verticals Coordination” in the Research Area “Networks” he is furthermore supporting the technical coordination of Ericsson’s efforts in the Automotive Edge Computing Association (AECC) and 5G Automotive Association (5GAA).
His key research interest is in end-to-end design, evaluation, and approval of safety critical communication services.